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FYI Update / Merge

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  • #16
    Agree with the post of euphoria.

    I am an LCPH player, I have grown fond of the settings of LCGlobal. Before in LCPH, you need to spend a considerable amount of cash in order to compete. The success rate for upgrading items is lower (-10%) than that of LCG. Event tickets rarely drop. and most of all lots of bug abusers and cheaters. The PH developer tried to suppress those bastards by locking jewels and banning several accounts but it seems that all efforts failed.

    As for LCG, the sudden changes based on a suggestion of a single player is downright unfair. First, there was no notice that these changes will take effect:

    1. Garuda Feather materials changed from Greater Spirit Stone to Golden Sentence.
    2. 100% to 30% success rate in the prism.
    3. from 5 to 30 days broken item duration.
    4. removal of the drop of golden sentence from Deep Dungeon Mobs. Only Swamp of Darkness mobs drop golden sentences.

    I think the developers tried to implement these changes to make it harder for other players to attain end game items and the creation of 4th wings. Another reason is the overabundance of items in the market.

    I suggest that they return the old settings with modifications:

    1. Give 3rd wings the chance to be disassembled to garuda feather but with a very very low success rate (or success rate based on item upgrade level). In original MU 3rd wings are the real component of garuda feather.

    2. Return the 100% prism success rate or if not increase its success rate to at least 70-80%.

    3. In order to reduce the number of items, a failed upgrade attempt will resort to a 5-10day broken status. After the expiration of the broken status, the item will be deleted. So you need to repair the item, otherwise, it will be destroyed entirely. In the original MU setting, a failed attempt destroys entirely the item. This way the items circulating will be reduced.

    4. Actively ban refunders and make all items from cash shop non-tradable. If you will just lock the bless, the refunders will just buy another item and sell it at the auction. Since the items are locked, slightly increase the drop rate of jewel (bless/harmony) so that, casual users can still farm these jewels.

    5. Make XBA weapons available to lvl 1K Kundun and SSR at Selupan. However, the drop rate should be very very very low. This will give a chance for global users to have PXBAs. Currently, X380s are trash and there is no more incentive to kill these two bosses except for the ruud box. In order to have a premium, drop rates for LVL 1.1K Kundun and SSRs from Selupan should be higher.

    6. As per the suggestion of other users in the forum, put CAPTCHA numbers every time we teleport to prevent bots from returning to the spot.

    7. Increase or return to the previous rate, the ruud points chance per box. at least give these box hunters the enjoyment of opening a box with ruud. It is very frustrating to open the greater box and just get chaos.

    8. ALL CHANGES SHOULD BE WITH PRIOR NOTICE TO THE COMMUNITY. It is very unprofessional if you will just tweak server-side settings without informing us players what are these changes. We understand that this is your game and based on the T&Cs you can do anything you want. However, we are also spending our hard-earned real-life money and time in this game. At least give us a heads up on the possible/probable changes so that we can adjust beforehand.

    I think what you should do is give chance to other players especially new ones to catch up with old players. Remember, once new players stop coming in an MMORPG, that game will die a natural death. Why? because these new players are the ones who will strive to catch up and be stronger. They are the ones making the economy thrive by buying the items of high-level players. In turn, high-level players will strive to hunt items in order for it to be sold to low-level players. That is why many MMORPGs have those friendly newbie rewards etc. so that they will feel that they have a fighting chance against older players.

    If you will take away those things that help ALL PLAYERS IN GENERAL (eg. high prism success rate, drop rate etc.), more and more will quit, especially the newbies and those that are accustomed to that rate or scenario (the LCG players). LCG players will feel like you have taken something valuable from them. I can see it clearly happening now due to the number of posts per day in the forums questioning these changes.

    I know that you want to make the game more challenging. However, you should balance it with the concerns of the community. Games are meant to be fun and not a job. It is supposed to make you happy and not frustrated and tired. so lets maintain it that way.



    • #17
      Originally posted by zenith12388 View Post
      Agree with the post of euphoria.

      I am an LCPH player, I have grown fond of the settings of LCGlobal. Before in LCPH, you need to spend a considerable amount of cash in order to compete. The success rate for upgrading items is lower (-10%) than that of LCG. Event tickets rarely drop. and most of all lots of bug abusers and cheaters. The PH developer tried to suppress those bastards by locking jewels and banning several accounts but it seems that all efforts failed.

      As for LCG, the sudden changes based on a suggestion of a single player is downright unfair. First, there was no notice that these changes will take effect:

      1. Garuda Feather materials changed from Greater Spirit Stone to Golden Sentence.
      2. 100% to 30% success rate in the prism.
      3. from 5 to 30 days broken item duration.
      4. removal of the drop of golden sentence from Deep Dungeon Mobs. Only Swamp of Darkness mobs drop golden sentences.

      I think the developers tried to implement these changes to make it harder for other players to attain end game items and the creation of 4th wings. Another reason is the overabundance of items in the market.

      I suggest that they return the old settings with modifications:

      1. Give 3rd wings the chance to be disassembled to garuda feather but with a very very low success rate (or success rate based on item upgrade level). In original MU 3rd wings are the real component of garuda feather.

      2. Return the 100% prism success rate or if not increase its success rate to at least 70-80%.

      3. In order to reduce the number of items, a failed upgrade attempt will resort to a 5-10day broken status. After the expiration of the broken status, the item will be deleted. So you need to repair the item, otherwise, it will be destroyed entirely. In the original MU setting, a failed attempt destroys entirely the item. This way the items circulating will be reduced.

      4. Actively ban refunders and make all items from cash shop non-tradable. If you will just lock the bless, the refunders will just buy another item and sell it at the auction. Since the items are locked, slightly increase the drop rate of jewel (bless/harmony) so that, casual users can still farm these jewels.

      5. Make XBA weapons available to lvl 1K Kundun and SSR at Selupan. However, the drop rate should be very very very low. This will give a chance for global users to have PXBAs. Currently, X380s are trash and there is no more incentive to kill these two bosses except for the ruud box. In order to have a premium, drop rates for LVL 1.1K Kundun and SSRs from Selupan should be higher.

      6. As per the suggestion of other users in the forum, put CAPTCHA numbers every time we teleport to prevent bots from returning to the spot.

      7. Increase or return to the previous rate, the ruud points chance per box. at least give these box hunters the enjoyment of opening a box with ruud. It is very frustrating to open the greater box and just get chaos.

      8. ALL CHANGES SHOULD BE WITH PRIOR NOTICE TO THE COMMUNITY. It is very unprofessional if you will just tweak server-side settings without informing us players what are these changes. We understand that this is your game and based on the T&Cs you can do anything you want. However, we are also spending our hard-earned real-life money and time in this game. At least give us a heads up on the possible/probable changes so that we can adjust beforehand.

      I think what you should do is give chance to other players especially new ones to catch up with old players. Remember, once new players stop coming in an MMORPG, that game will die a natural death. Why? because these new players are the ones who will strive to catch up and be stronger. They are the ones making the economy thrive by buying the items of high-level players. In turn, high-level players will strive to hunt items in order for it to be sold to low-level players. That is why many MMORPGs have those friendly newbie rewards etc. so that they will feel that they have a fighting chance against older players.

      If you will take away those things that help ALL PLAYERS IN GENERAL (eg. high prism success rate, drop rate etc.), more and more will quit, especially the newbies and those that are accustomed to that rate or scenario (the LCG players). LCG players will feel like you have taken something valuable from them. I can see it clearly happening now due to the number of posts per day in the forums questioning these changes.

      I know that you want to make the game more challenging. However, you should balance it with the concerns of the community. Games are meant to be fun and not a job. It is supposed to make you happy and not frustrated and tired. so lets maintain it that way.


      I like that!!



      • #18

        The wrong adjustments have pushed players passionate about the game for a long time to give up.


        • #19


          • #20
            The changes is not friendly to new players..the reduction of drop rate is very disgusting. The server might die due to this changes. Think! Devs and reconsider your actions you saw what happened to PH server..???


            • #21

              First of all Im really happy because since then I already playing this game (PC version). At 1st i tried to download the LCPh. Yeah i enjoyed but as days passed by, it became toxic because some players (not all) made it toxic for new players who wants to enjoy the game. Then i knew there is the global LC. I transferred right away the i realize it is more fun in GLC (HONESTLY) I can become strong even im not expending alots of money (i expen but not that much). I enjoyed the event like BC, DS, CC coz i can gain BOLs and Ruuds and its not that hard to enter because of good drops of ticket. Suddenly changes everything just because of 1 or 2 players who are not playing the global before just to suit their selfish demand? Its obvious he wants manoey or making business from this game! Just like in LCPH. Lol! This game may become toxic someday just like what happened in LCPH. Many players got discourage and bored. It really hurts you know coz i really love this game. I cant cope up with players with high ups gears anymore especially with the PH players beacuse they are already with their good gears. Where is justice for us? (Global player). Anyways, i feel broken hearted but planning to quit already. Thank you for the memories ?


              • #22
                Poll that was conducted. See for yourself.


                • #23
                  Lmao at “they got downgraded their skill upgrades” , YAH BUT YOU DONT SAY THAT THEIR THOUSANDS OF SKILL UPGRADE RUNES REMAINED IN THEIR VAULTS, making them control the market and put the fukin price whatever they want. You downgraded their skills, but once they logged on they maxed them again all back with the THOUSANDS OF RUNES in their vaults. Smfh.


                  • #24
                    Didn’t even know golden sentence stopped dropping in Dungeon, they change things and don’t even post it to the community. No wonder why these last days didn’t get a single one after hours grinding.


                    • #25
                      > why would you remove skill upgrades when merge?? then let other player who have lots of runes control the market?? then no drops of rune for multiple run?? even uncommon rune no drops??
                      > can't reply to the mail with players with [PH] on their name
                      > "move" or "summon" time cooldown is ridiculous, it take soooo long


                      • #26
                        Admin: don’t worry we downgraded skills of all LCPH players. It’s fair now. Me: yah, what about the THOUSANDS of Runes they have in vault? Exactly, you didn’t remove the runes stores in vault. So “downgrading their skills” didn’t do anything for them. DO YOU EVEN THINK? Smfh! -.- Admin: (no answer)


                        • #27

                          Please check the zen value of items sold to NPC. Really ridiculous, zen for a beginner is too hard.
                          Examples of items Sprit dark , Empty.v .v... Just because of the previous zen error, the zen system adjustment is too negative.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by zenith12388 View Post
                            Agree with the post of euphoria.

                            I am an LCPH player, I have grown fond of the settings of LCGlobal. Before in LCPH, you need to spend a considerable amount of cash in order to compete. The success rate for upgrading items is lower (-10%) than that of LCG. Event tickets rarely drop. and most of all lots of bug abusers and cheaters. The PH developer tried to suppress those bastards by locking jewels and banning several accounts but it seems that all efforts failed.

                            As for LCG, the sudden changes based on a suggestion of a single player is downright unfair. First, there was no notice that these changes will take effect:

                            1. Garuda Feather materials changed from Greater Spirit Stone to Golden Sentence.
                            2. 100% to 30% success rate in the prism.
                            3. from 5 to 30 days broken item duration.
                            4. removal of the drop of golden sentence from Deep Dungeon Mobs. Only Swamp of Darkness mobs drop golden sentences.

                            I think the developers tried to implement these changes to make it harder for other players to attain end game items and the creation of 4th wings. Another reason is the overabundance of items in the market.

                            I suggest that they return the old settings with modifications:

                            1. Give 3rd wings the chance to be disassembled to garuda feather but with a very very low success rate (or success rate based on item upgrade level). In original MU 3rd wings are the real component of garuda feather.

                            2. Return the 100% prism success rate or if not increase its success rate to at least 70-80%.

                            3. In order to reduce the number of items, a failed upgrade attempt will resort to a 5-10day broken status. After the expiration of the broken status, the item will be deleted. So you need to repair the item, otherwise, it will be destroyed entirely. In the original MU setting, a failed attempt destroys entirely the item. This way the items circulating will be reduced.

                            4. Actively ban refunders and make all items from cash shop non-tradable. If you will just lock the bless, the refunders will just buy another item and sell it at the auction. Since the items are locked, slightly increase the drop rate of jewel (bless/harmony) so that, casual users can still farm these jewels.

                            5. Make XBA weapons available to lvl 1K Kundun and SSR at Selupan. However, the drop rate should be very very very low. This will give a chance for global users to have PXBAs. Currently, X380s are trash and there is no more incentive to kill these two bosses except for the ruud box. In order to have a premium, drop rates for LVL 1.1K Kundun and SSRs from Selupan should be higher.

                            6. As per the suggestion of other users in the forum, put CAPTCHA numbers every time we teleport to prevent bots from returning to the spot.

                            7. Increase or return to the previous rate, the ruud points chance per box. at least give these box hunters the enjoyment of opening a box with ruud. It is very frustrating to open the greater box and just get chaos.

                            8. ALL CHANGES SHOULD BE WITH PRIOR NOTICE TO THE COMMUNITY. It is very unprofessional if you will just tweak server-side settings without informing us players what are these changes. We understand that this is your game and based on the T&Cs you can do anything you want. However, we are also spending our hard-earned real-life money and time in this game. At least give us a heads up on the possible/probable changes so that we can adjust beforehand.

                            I think what you should do is give chance to other players especially new ones to catch up with old players. Remember, once new players stop coming in an MMORPG, that game will die a natural death. Why? because these new players are the ones who will strive to catch up and be stronger. They are the ones making the economy thrive by buying the items of high-level players. In turn, high-level players will strive to hunt items in order for it to be sold to low-level players. That is why many MMORPGs have those friendly newbie rewards etc. so that they will feel that they have a fighting chance against older players.

                            If you will take away those things that help ALL PLAYERS IN GENERAL (eg. high prism success rate, drop rate etc.), more and more will quit, especially the newbies and those that are accustomed to that rate or scenario (the LCG players). LCG players will feel like you have taken something valuable from them. I can see it clearly happening now due to the number of posts per day in the forums questioning these changes.

                            I know that you want to make the game more challenging. However, you should balance it with the concerns of the community. Games are meant to be fun and not a job. It is supposed to make you happy and not frustrated and tired. so lets maintain it that way.


                            Excelente Sugerencia


                            • #29

                              Event fares increase daily! we don't have enough blessings to buy them to increase character level, BC DV CC will be a temple without people, a boring online MU game. You guys will die sooner or later, the game will die soon, you just want us to buy event tickets on your store. But otherwise we will quit the game you calculated inappropriately
                              - Hãy là một trò chơi để chiến thắng -


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by vierco View Post
                                We want to be able to clear some doubts to all our users.

                                We understand that absorbing PH server users brought with it some changes and these changes some disagreement.
                                Achieving this required a great effort from all the staff, from moderators, testers, developers and users.

                                * For PH users the effort was to lose Items / Mounts / Skill Level, among others
                                * For users who already played in Global, it was adapting not only to changes in the market, but also changes in configuration.

                                We want the integration between users to be complete and to stop you from seeing each other as rivals or 2 separate factions, for us you are all Lost Continent players.

                                However, we understand that there are differences of opinions between users and we try to improve this aspect every day in order to understand and benefit everyone, but it is a very difficult task to carry out.

                                In recent days, some users from PH requested changes that existed on that server and by simple chance it has coincided with the date of our changes.
                                Although we read suggestions, we try to rely 100% on data (logs, statistics, etc.) to implement them.

                                We will improve communication to be able to provide more details of these changes to avoid taking anyone by surprise. However more changes will be made at the same time as bug fixing and updates.

                                The work continues by improving the server & the client, expanding to other platforms and much more.

                                We want to thank everyone for your patience and for supporting us.

                                Att. DGamerStudio
                                What the heck is going ON!!!!!

                                We Thought that Global going to Absorb LC PH server .
                                And Look what happen now . Everything changes in FAVOR of LCPH Mechanics !!
                                and THE RESULT is GLOBAL Being Absorb by LC PH .
                                We PH Players Played in Globa coz the Mechanics and how the games works in LC PH is Super suck .
                                Where almost everything is easy to find .
                                and Now the Prism Stone you made it 30% Success Rate , Failure Upgrading Item turns into 30Days!!!!
                                WHAT THE HELLLLL!!!!!!.
                                We Want THE LC GLOBAL back to it was it use to be . ...
                                Move Out THE LCPH Separate them . coz most of the players there are Refunders they may seems innocent looking but they are Cogger in every thing!
                                i already commented about this before that someone brought up a discussion about this merging thing . and its very wrong . very very wrong .
                                if you want the LC PH players to live under LCGlobal they should only bring whats in their character not the freaking almost everything they have in the LCPH .
                                for godsake . there is no more words to describe ********* whatever .

                                Move the LCPH Separate from LCGlobal or Give Compensation for All GLOBAL Players . coz we the GLOBAL players made everything in the HARD way though almost every guild Fought for the BOSS just for the rare ITEM. BUT ITS FUN !!!! BECAUSE THATS WHAT WE ARE GLOBAL PLAYERS COMPETITIVE !!!! WE ENJOY EVERYTHING WHAT WE DO PLAYING LC .
                                Now its Gets Boring and Boring!!! and I hope This game will not die sooonn.... coz this aint a LCGLOBAL anymore it BECAME LC PH!!!! and we dont want them !!!!!!


                                • Superman
                                  Superman commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  Don’t Cry. you can. anytime you want.