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FYI Update / Merge

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  • #46
    can play may char.


    • #47
      elf splash damage in skill tree not working -.-


      • #48
        Hmmmmmmmm ???


        • #49
          I have move on from the shock wave lol .
          well lets enjoy the game while LC Santa is giving us A Huge Gifts !!!!!
          I want to express my sincere thanks to LC Team for the wonderful Events and Gifts.
          may the LC live longer,


          • #50
            Just started playing recently and I tried to level up but got killed many times over by some farmers. I even tried changing servers but they seem to be almost everywhere, and it really feels like they are running 30+ accounts PER PERSON just to farm and ruin it for all the potential newbies.

            It's a decent game but no one ever speaks english and almost all the messages are in filipino except here on forums. I wish I could find some english speaking community/guild.


            • Bouncer
              Bouncer commented
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              If you don’t Have money to spend on this game you better quit man, if you want to “survive” and have “decent” equipment as a free player you will need at least 10-20 farming accounts. If you from the Philippines, you can buy jewels from other players since admin willingly IGNORES/DOESNT BAN real money bless sellers in game. It’s infested of ph players selling bless for cash everywhere yet admin doesn’t seem to care at all.

              It’s all down to how much u want to spend on this game. Also, regarding English speakers MOST OF THEM QUIT AFTER there was a merge with Philippine server a month ago.

              Current status of game is 99% Philippine players, 1% rest of the world.

          • #51
            The fact that I am a Newbie from this game and dont know what are the things happen before the merge but what I can say is new player here doesn't have place for them to grow its very hard to level now this is not favorable in mobile gamers also because it was so hard or simply I can say that this is pay to win game more than play to win.


            • reedexel18
              reedexel18 commented
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              all i can say is... if you play in pc u got a better chance to farm than pc users. i mean if ur pc is entry lvl-mid lvl-high end doesnt matter. take advantage of it. to catch up a bit. theres what u called buy n selling as well. afk lvling with 10clients lets say. 1 day u can get atleast 25bless each depends on luck, not including other jewels and drops... even a crappy gears can farm those jewels... then u can buy better gears after earning those bless and do buy n sell if u can while u afk lvling... cheers mate...

            • Bouncer
              Bouncer commented
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              If you are playing from mobile only don’t expect too much mate, you will get bored fast and quit eventually. Game is not made for mobile gamers, But for PC. If you don’t have a PC you won’t get far in this game.

          • #52
            please help me for these admin
            Attached Files


            • #53
              Wrong thread man, you gotta post that on account support.


              • #54
                Я так понял што есть люди которые вложили в игру деньги и которые по простому выбивали все по расписанию да я согласен я читал все комментарии и сделал вывод не кричите ток да я ток начал 4 дня как нашол игру по началу все вродь норм но чем далее лвл тем больше видно што админ ты просто гонишся за $. И судя по комментариям ты потянул все это не за просто так. Можете меня заблочить удалить но ето моя мысль и мне пох. Если куча народа уходит значит все таки таки затупил АДМИН без обид.


                • #55
                  What happen lost continent I Kent update wer up date


                  • #56
                    Sir help me my 4wing mg scam bkfred plss.chck


                    • #57
                      Originally posted by Carla View Post
                      What happen lost continent I Kent update wer up date

                      reinstall the game, that might fix the issue.

