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Trading system

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  • Trading system

    for sure some are aware of this, but not the newbies... and some old players can still get scammed if they use smartphones to play and if they trading with pc user.... this is when they can change the items in trade box... i know it has a feature of notice thing... but what if you follow na MU trading system that holds the accept button for few seconds if theres a change in trading box. earlier i saw people shouting about some people doing it. and i got 1 guy tryna scam me too after 1hr... basically update the trading system. but its a + that u guys did good doing the upgrade number can be seen in items... so goodjob on that atleast

  • #2
    Thank you for recognizing our effort and work. Anyway, scammers will continue to exist. Unfortunately it happens in all massive online games.


    • #3
      yeah i know and it sucks but then abit of update on that will be better than current isnt it? adding a hold sec if theres a change in trade box.


      • #4
        I agree. I suggest you try adding a pass code as well in selling/buying items from auction. Especially from negotiated trades. This will help the buyer in checking the item details properly without feeling being rushed from other buyers trying to steal it from them. Buyers are sure to be using jewels compatible for auction as well unlike using trade where some jewels are bugged. This will help a lot in buyer-seller relationship and will not have a problem being scammed thru trade.

        Maybe you can put up swap items to. This will help players to swap set/items without trading in person. They just put it on swap and other players can put up item they want in exchange. If the seller likes the offer he can just put code or click accept and the items gets exchanged. It is like trading in person, but the perks would be trading items even if you are in different server or you are offline.


        • #5
          We will continue working to improve the server. Keep in mind that this will not be overnight. It requires many hours of work, tests, etc. But we will! Everything is to improve!

