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Game Suggestion

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  • Game Suggestion

    I see that you guys are trying to follow and make it as close to the real one as possible but at the same time made some brave moves like the implementation of the auction house, inventory expansion parchments, glowing prism, warehouse expansion parchment, and many more. I am happy that you made these changes and it made the game better in my opinion especially the jewels stacking system, the auction house, and the multiple inventory bags.

    Now... What I'm trying to suggest is not really a suggestion but rather an encouragement. I encourage you guys to be creative because I can see more potential in this game than the original Mu and believe or not, I enjoyed playing this game much more than the original one. I believe in your creative minds and your dedication to this game to make it better. Please do not make the same mistakes of rushing everything and thinking only of monetary gains. Think long-term because it will be more rewarding to all of us. There are lots of aspects in the game to be explored. Some things I want to see are:

    Add in game events: (these are already in the original one)
    Gaion's event
    Illusion Temple
    Maze of Dimensions
    Invasion of Balgass
    Doppleganger event
    A way to introduce the refinery boss

    Jack-o-Lantern buffs

    New event:
    Like what I suggested before, a hero defense type of event that encourages teamwork and tactics in order to win. Basic objective is to prevent enemies from reaching a certain gate/checkpoint by killing them before they reach it. These monsters do not attack and only walk towards the designated gate/checkpoint but they are super hard to kill with all the resistances and stuff. Possibly also add punish resistance or something and binding resistance due to the introduction of these new items. Players are forced to coordinate with each other and to form a team. They are preferably guild mates so that teams may be premade before the event. A team for immobilizing the enemy and a team for killing the enemy (the damage dealers). Of course make the enemy spawn in multiples so that it would not be easy to immobilize them all. Players would have to shuffle targets and take turns in immobilizing the enemy.

    New sets?? I see the original mu only follow a straight path from bloodangel to silverheart and no new addition to armor types. Before we have socketed, ancient, excellent, normal, and mastery. But after that, no new armor type had been added anymore. It seems a lazy way of getting players to upgrade without thinking creatively and adding a new twist into the game. Im thinking of divine archangel sets.

    Ill be adding more suggestions that i can think of

    Feel free to adopt or not because this is only a suggestion and I do not see the game in a developer's eyes so i may not know everything.

  • #2
    Thank you very much for your contribution. Although Lemuria is an exact copy of Mu, we try not to be so copyright, that's why we work every day to add new things, such as interface, special effects, etc. We do our best to make our server autonomous. Regarding being more creative, we are working on it all the time. New ideas arise every day, only sometimes there is not enough time to add everything. or simply wait a little longer to not saturate the server.


    • #3
      Your welcome sir. I want to see this game get better and better everyday and hopefully one day, mu will once again be popular and will not be called a dead game anymore by others. There's lots of potential in this game and I want others to see that as well. It's a MMO masterpiece. To the admins of LCG: Keep doing what you're doing. Thank you for giving your best always and your dedication to this game.


      • #4
        Thank you very much for your words. We will continue working daily to improve each day a little more.

