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Earning Event Points

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  • Earning Event Points

    Good day,

    Earning it by Finishing CC BC DS is good way buy can be abused by multi account player.
    instead come up with idea like
    putting 10 - 40 Collectable Box in every map like you did last december (make it every 15 mins so the game will not just be very active every hour).

    -Collectable box may give us event points or something valuable.
    -Can be found in every map (advantage for high level player)
    -we will be busy on a singel character only (multi account user cant abuse it)

    Im not saying that you should do this
    i just want you to come up with an idea that will not affect 'non-participanting players' so bad.

    I know that the Objective is to make the game active
    -prizes should not affect the market too much
    -dont make rare materials (ex.: golden sentence) as a price
    many players been through hardship just to get it. they might also bought some buffs ingameshop

    RIP my english