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auction tax

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  • auction tax

    to prevent spam of items on auction you can put tax such as 1 million zen per posted auciton for sell... and if someone wants to post an item for a longer period of time you can set the number of days maximum of 7days for 10million zen.

    you could check those farmers selling satan in the acution named LXXXX...XX (x represents numbers)
    those players ruins the auction system for spaming and making the auction slow

  • #2
    Agree. Another suggestion: put a limit on the number of items that a character can post on the auction. Example 10 items only per character. This will prevent bastards that are using the auction as their extended inventory.


    • #3
      Or how about make a better browsing of auction, more filter option.
      instead of pressing next next next next, put a jump page and customizable sorting.

      Puting tax on auction may result a flooding chat on global ?


      • LioneX
        LioneX commented
        Editing a comment
        no one would flood the global chat on selling their satan(imp). but good point there bro

    • #4
      We will see how we solve it.

