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Chat Window or Chat Box

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  • Chat Window or Chat Box

    Good Day LC,

    I Know Lots of things going but i still want the Game to get more improvements and no BIAS and every move you made/make.
    I Have Notice something about this Chat Box.
    In Mobile Version When you select Normal Chat it Only Show's the Chat of normal Conversation chat.
    And when you Select Global it also Show's the Global Conversation Chat Message
    And if you select the System and the other functions it shows on their own Chat Message.
    But in PC Version Its pretty Mess up . the function is not like that . when you select normal , global or guild or whisper seems its show everything in one whole chat window .
    and so i want to suggest that if you could make it separate put them in to their designated chat box ?
    And Also Can you do this in the Chat Box like [ All, Global, Guild , Group, Whisper, System, ]
    I Included "All" Tab Chat so that it can shows Everything .

    and Last things Please Remove the Free Color UI from Players of the Chat box please its sooo annoying.
    Kindly do it through in different Chat Tab Box ? Like for Example
    " All " Shows of these Following Color >> "[Global]" White Text " [Guild] " Green Text "[Group]" Blue Text "[Whisper]" Purple Text "[System]' Golden Text

    And These Functions Applies to PC or Mobile .
    if this kind Format applied in the game it would be better and not untidy looking chat box.

    Please if you agree with this chat window would alot better ,Thanks and more Power.
    Last edited by Arch8730; 11-16-2020, 06:14 AM.

  • #2
    Hello Arch8730, I really like your suggestion, we will let the administrators know, it is a very good contribution, thanks for the report.

