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Prism % creation

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  • Prism % creation

    if im using bad words and cursed in athoer topic im sry but to be onest i hardly stop to write worst ? But when you guys accept 1 person sugestion and after 4h apply whit aut any reconsideration for athoers i think i have good point!!
    so let start again whit me sugetion:
    1 prism minim 70%
    2 Broken maxim 10 days
    3 remove ALLL ph rune skil legendary and epic !!eadd it on they skil or existed in inv coz after serv up auction ful of them and us global strugle to get them!!!
    4 remove and blance bless from ph they got beter drop jwls and 2 time x2 bless drop!!!
    5 remove all 380 set noexc they have ... we dont have that ...
    6 remove all seed sphere ... ph they got drop in kd and seluap and karutan2 !!!! We only seluap
    When i wil remeber about more diference betewn then and us wil write....
    Atm im feal like we move to ph server and admin its that greedy guy ... this is not look as our global server that we all love .. if this happen and we realy are take over by that ph guy and global admins are gone tel us so we can quit early and stop the sufer of seen a great server becoume a PAY2WIN server ....thanks and im wait you replay and pls dont close it we wil update it later whit more sugestion

  • #2
    We can consider your suggestion. If you are going to contribute something else, make a new post. That way the suggestion is not lost. Best regards.

