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SUGGESTIONS/CONCERNS regarding the state of the game.

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  • SUGGESTIONS/CONCERNS regarding the state of the game.

    ​ To WHOM it may concern:

    With the recent merge of the PH server to the global server, the current state of the market has been affected drastically and will continue to go down if nothing changes.
    I am a PH server player and upon adapting to the state of the game in the Global server, I can infer that things are way too easy here in the global server which somehow also affected the state of the market considering the items and jewels brought by the PH players to the Global server.

    These are the things which I referred to as "way too easy" here in Global server. I reckon these things were configured to entice the Global players since the population of Global players is fairly low compared to the PH players.
    • Event ticket piece drop rate is way too high
    • Jewel of Chaos drop rate from Box of heaven is way too high
    • Ruud points acquisition from Boxes in DS/BC/CC is way too easy
    • Prism has a 100% success rate. This is a MUST change.
    • Broken items will get fixed after a 5 day period. This is a MUST change.

    Factoring the merge, the population of PH players and the AMPLE amount of JEWELS we have brought into the global server, The SUPPLY vs DEMAND curve has been affected drastically. There's an excess supply of jewels but the demand is fairly low primarily because of the "way too easy" things listed above. The main currency in the game are Jewels of Bless and how they are usually spent are from crafting/buying items and upgrading gears. Again taking into account the "way too easy" list, there's too little risk and less consumption of Jewels of Bless, thus affecting the SUPPLY vs DEMAND curve.

    To explain further, here is an instance.

    When a player is upgrading an item and unfortunately fails, fixing it is relatively easy since the prism has 100% success rate and the materials to create it is cheap. If one is on a budget, the player can just wait out the 5 day period for the broken item to be fixed and he/she can resume upgrading his/her gear/s.

    The whole scenario would just consume a relatively small amount of Jewel of Bless. Furthermore, the 100% success rate of Prism and the period of time the broken item gets fixed decreases the value of +13/+15 items since the risk factor and the amount of Jewels that'll be consumed is very low compared to how it was in the PH server.

    Proposed solution:
    • Lower the drop rate of the Event ticket pieces
    • Lower the drop rate of Jewel of Chaos
    • Lower the percentage of acquisition of Ruud points in BS/DS/CC
    • Lower the success rate of Prism. In PH server, it was 40% success rate.
    • Increase the period the broken item gets fixed. In PH server, it was 30-day period.
    • XBA drops on KD/Selup
    • Limit the instances of LC clients running on a pc system. This is a MUST.

    • Lowering the drop rate of Event ticket pieces would minimize the supply for now. Currently, there's way too many Event ticket/ticket pieces in the auction and it will take some time before this stabilizes. However when it stabilizes, the value of the tickets will increase and probably will be sold in Bless.
    • If we want to lower the drop rate of the event ticket pieces then the drop rate of the jewel of chaos should be lowered as well.
    • Lowering the percentage of acquisition of Ruud points would increase the values of Anvils, shards, Holy anvils, etc.. which in turn would also increase the value of DarkAngel and Holy Angel weapons. This benefits greatly the Free to Play players since majority of the players grinding for Ruud points are F2P players --the time and effort they spent isn't proportional to the reward at all as the market value of shards and anvils alike are being sold at cheap prices. This is one way of F2P players coping up with the P2W players.
    • Lowering the success rate of Prism and increasing the period the item to get fixed will increase the value of +13/+15 items due to the risk factor. This would also encourage players to purchase TOL/TOCA in the in game shop due to the risk factor. With this change, the value of Bless will increase since the consumption of it when upgrading an item will increase and again the values of +13/+15 items will proportionally increase as well. This is a WIN-WIN situation for both the players and the Game itself.
    • I think there is a need to have XBA drops in KD and Selup. Taking into consideration that there are already many PH players that have XBAs and Global players don't. This will benefit both F2P players and Global players as well as this is purely on stroke of luck/RNG. Real talk - XBAs can only be obtained through Boss Hunts but they are being monopolized by top guilds thus majority of the players doesn't have a chance to partake moreso get an XBA item. If XBA drops on KD and/or Selup then definitely the Ruud points acquisition needs to be lowered.
    • Lastly, For the market to stabilize and somehow be back during its heydays, it is a MUST to have a limit on the clients running on a PC system -- 4 to 5 clients should suffice. This will at least be somehow fair(though it isn't ) for CP users and the SUPPLY of Bless will decrease which in turn balances the SUPPLY vs DEMAND curve. . I am a software developer but not in the gaming industry and I know for a fact that it is relatively easy to implement a limit of instances of an application running in a system. Again, I am more concerned of the state of the market and I really don't have any malicious intents against those who can run multiple clients as I for one have a decent system. I just want what's best for the community and the longevity if this game.
    • New players will definitely have a harder time compared to the current state. But then again, new players are usually just casual players and most of the "new players" are just alt characters of the existing players.
    • Some will definitely be discouraged grinding for Ruud points but then again the outcome is rewarding.

    TLDR, Global system is relatively easy and just wanted to incorporate some of the system of PH server in global to balance/stabilize the current market state of the game. The essence of any kind of game is FUN and COMPETITION so please make the game competitive again.

    P.S. I am also hoping for the continuation of DM Events as this encourages everyone to be excited and something to look forward to.

    GOD bless and more power.
    - Concerned LCitizen​
    Last edited by strawhattim; 11-09-2020, 05:23 PM.

  • #2
    Very good contribution. I will communicate it to the administrators.


    • #3
      The main purpose of this suggestion is for their own benefits they are probably the top chain having many bless stocks and wanted to sell on their favored price reyco my man you guys were manipulated by this suggestion. How will the new comers cope up with so much GAP from older players? they will be forced to buy stuffs from the old players thats the easy way you should think of the ones left behind (new comers) they will never cope up the GAP in items, levels, and etc. while this old players keeps farming, hunting items for them to sell the new comers and earn lots of money XD its basic common sense .. you should think of the players especially the new comers, you are setting a gatekeeper for them to get stronger and have fun lol. this is really worst!

