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Suggestions for improving characters

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  • #16
    I spend alot of money and invested time and effort. After Version 14 done. All GL become so weak like a normal mobs specially to RF class. Im playing in Philippine server. No more GL there on sight as they either quit or change class to RF. Most BK class I know change to RF. Now I am trying to sell my gears and all +15 but no one is buying now because GL now is so weak. How come a pure agi/def GL were so soft to pure vit RF? I tried to duel RF and test damage. He is pure vit and shocked that I only damage it like 200.. SERIOUSLY? Imagine his agi is base on the weapon requirements only. Why like this??? Money, effort and time wasted. If you visit Philippines, you no longer see any GL class playing. I belive in global also as patch/upgrades were identical. Please make GL be a GL.

    By the way, RF is so Fuckin' and extremely strong in Philippine server. The most RF class in the guild always in in Guld war. I think this MU is only for RF and not funny anymore. Thanks!


    • #17
      Classes, MG, SM, Sum, RW, ELF and GL are not equipped with BK and RF in pvp, they need to revise or balance in pvp, as I have an MG FULL + 15 and one more value for any other class like RF and BK with +9 items, another thing that BK and RF do not die are immortal while 15 to 30 players attack the same character as BK he still kills everyone, it is shameful for players to stop playing with the classes they like to do the BK and RF. Every day we see more BK and More RF on the server for a few days, if you don't do the same - the game only has BK and RF in the game, and it wants to discourage any player who is wasting time and money to make a good character who likes it, so that when we think we’re done or char we’ll get those classes.


      • #18
        Tips for rebalancing the game

        - 1st Before the update when the SD was lower the game was almost balanced, you snorted the SD and the characters like RF and BK who have more HP were immortal to any other class, review the SD of the game as this benefits only 2 classes and the game has several classes and people are giving up on them and switching characters to BK or RF.

        - 2nd You should review the DROP of the game, say that the DROP is random more today by our calculations the DROP of an excellent item with DD + HP4% is only 0.06%, that is, no one will be able to assemble the armor they want and making interesting builds, it ends up benefiting only the characters BK and RF, I don't know why more on the server has a greater number of BK and RF items than any other class. Review the Kundun DROP Are we sick of it every time the boss comes in with GL items? 10 times you go kundun 9 times drop old GL items, improve DROP or selupan as the skill level stones are not dropping anymore! Improve Drop of jewels before a farm could make 10 - 21 jewels a day today only makes 5 - 10.

        - 3rd GL you nerfed GL so much that now nobody wants to play with that class anymore, unfortunately it is the weakest class in the game. You urgently need to review this as all players who play GL have taken a huge loss because the items have devalued due to the nerfe of the game's management.

        - 4th The ASIAN / AMERICA junction was a mistake, unfortunately the ASIATICS a good part of them are very much in front of the CANADA server, as for example only one BK of them go there in the SILVESTER BOSS he goes and kills 15 - 20 people alone hey? what's the fun in that? if you do a Castle Sierge in these conditions who will win the Castle Sierge? hit the ASIATICOS because the server joins failed, the difference is a lot of the CANADA players to the ASIAN players.

        - 5th MG I suggest that you increase the HP for points distributed in the character currently he gains only 21 HP for every 10 points distributed in vitality, you should put 2.5 for every 10 points added and also put 1.5 of HP for lv upado, as this would improve the survival of the class, he is in need of a defense buff of 10 - 15% because he cannot survive for any other class. MG items are Impossible to find mainly Weapons, and excellent sets with DD + HP4%, after all the excellent items only drop with DSR and nobody uses DSR so why do you put so many items dropping with DSR?The MG spell called EARTH prison is not studying the characters, as described in the spell description.

        - 6th SUM I suggest you review the defense and also the damage because the summoner is very nerfed compared to the other classes.

        - 7th DL is a tank class why did you get ABSORVE off the horse? this was a mistake should i return as was.

        - 8th ELF is very bad in defense, it is a slap she dies need to review her defense, and also increase the dodge when you put points in agility you can not leave the defense successfully locked this is a mistake must be made in all classes.

        - 9th On the android platform and IOS increase the size of the life potion.

        - 10th We are attacking the GUILD itself this is very wrong, go back to how it was before.

        - 11th Mysterios Stone is very expensive you need to lower its price, or drop it in more places, or even find a way to make it on the chaos machine.

        - 12th Review the SM's teleport because when he teleports he is almost always in the same place, and when he teleports to another place he teleports in front of a BK or RF and you already know, right? it's a hit and already dies.

        - 13th We need AGILITY from you with an update because we are in agony waiting for the rebalancing of the classes because if there is no rebalancing of the classes it gets boring knowing that every time you go pvp with the BK and RF classes you will die.
        Last edited by TutoPMG; 08-04-2020, 04:15 AM.


        • Minhtien99
          Minhtien99 commented
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          I played the game and deleted it. From the start of the game I was chasing after the GL character until the update, I no longer wanted to enter the game. And most current players are pursuing RF and BK characters if they are programmers, they will understand it very well. GM said that towards the balance of characters, I felt unbalanced and completely unbalanced at the present time. GL does not have a legendary 380 set, skills are limited in recovery time. The advantage of elemental books is that it only works to destroy SD and does not have the power to destroy HP. Actually, players have made many petitions and GM ignored it, I spend too much time and money on what I hope. Thank you for saying that

      • #19
        Originally posted by gtnt View Post
        ? RF Chain Drive only have 4 hits now.
        Please return main skill of RF, Chain Drive to 8 hits. It's original feature of all MU version.
        Thank GM!
        My personal opinion. Each character has its own strengths. There are no weak characters. Weak characters because players have not invested enough in the character.
        You can tell that but you havent try use GL and duel with same set and gears.. Even if you have +15 Robust and wings you have not match to RF and BK..


        • #20
          Originally posted by Miguel View Post
          We want to improve each character class performance, and for that there is no better way than asking our users that each day they try to make their characters better and know their fortitues and weakneses.
          Leave us your suggestion with argumentos of what changes are necessary for each class.

          Example: Dark Wizard needs more Elemental Defense. I have a Pentagram +9 with Errtels +7+7+0 and Ubaid mobs easily kill me.
          Just keep posting about the BUGS and etc so that the GM/Dev will noted on the bugs list and make an update for our concern.


          • #21
            Deberían bajar a 1 el couldwon del pin step, o agregar extensión del árbol independiente para cada pj, así estaría más equilibrado, es increíble que un bk o rf con items slow me gane 10-0 mientras tengo todos mis ítems +15 y skill mejorada 40%


            • #22
              Why u admn delete my posts? If u dont want suggestions close the forum....


              • TutoPMG
                TutoPMG commented
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                Hello LilithHash, I have deleted the comments that have nothing to do with what is requested in this post, the discussions between the users in this post will be eliminated. Regards

            • #23
              hello, I was observing and since they have corrected formulas to those of s15 I think that they should maximize the buffs of the GL, reduce the couldown of the buffs, since there is no skill tree lvl 800, for example, in the gmo the GrowLancer always loads said buff and it does not lower your defense, for example the rune wizard has buffs maxed because that is the top of speed that gives a tree maxed out in the gmo, I think or want to think that this is what is missing in the current GL, greetings to the staff


              • #24
                Originally posted by INickyLC View Post
                hello, I was observing and since they have corrected formulas to those of s15 I think that they should maximize the buffs of the GL, reduce the couldown of the buffs, since there is no skill tree lvl 800, for example, in the gmo the GrowLancer always loads said buff and it does not lower your defense, for example the rune wizard has buffs maxed because that is the top of speed that gives a tree maxed out in the gmo, I think or want to think that this is what is missing in the current GL, greetings to the staff

                Thanks for sharing your suggestion. The Staff has already been informed.


                • #25
                  Elf unfortunelly are weak using Full kit Max ... Waiting tô see ifs change


                  • #26
                    BK And RF classes are infinitely more stronger in all aspects, i’m going get Boss of Uruk, there was one BK that holding about 10 players hiting him (all players high level), and still he kill all. This is only one player, only one BK . RF is similar, second only for BK. This is discouraging for other classes.

                    BK dont need use combo?? Only death stab kill all haha, besides this is Immortal. I dont think that’s how it works.

                    greetings, good job


                    • #27
                      I have a video here that I am just 1 (one) explode combo by BK and lesst than 1 (one) second I was killed by RF though I used pots still cannot help.. But I cannot post here because got error..Im GL class.

                      RF vs. BK?

                      It's RF all the way.. too much..


                      • #28

                        Watch how the RF dominate with BK.. it's a 5 versus 5 battle. All of them are max items. BUT check who won?


                        • TutoPMG
                          TutoPMG commented
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                          Hi Iceman, can't see the video.

                      • #29
                        Boa noite gostaria de saber da staff se haverá um equibrio de classes, pois BK é RF mata qualquer classe com 1 Hit, A cada dia que entro no jogo ele esta mais vazio apos o merge, entro no fórum vocês falam que estão estudando cada classe pra ter um equilíbrio, o jogo tem mais de 5 meses é esta a msm coisa,meus amigos é eu investimos tempo é dinheiro em um personagem que morre facil pra BK é RF.


                        • Sovereing
                          Sovereing commented
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                          Pois é, adianta o que ter outros char?? Deleta tudo logo deixa opção de RF e BK. Adm n vê isso

                      • #30
                        Mustra un screen shot de tu set, alas y penta

