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Problem With Video driver After update

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  • Problem With Video driver After update

    I cant enter to the game in pc.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello Toroloko, I have some questions.

    What window do you use?
    Did you update window?
    Did you update your graphics card drivers?
    Did you update Java?
    Is it still happening since Saturday?

    Sorry for asking so much but it is necessary to know if perhaps you need to update something.

    I use Window 10 and I don't have that problem.


    • #3
      Hola tuto, uso windows 10 y todo actualiza automáticamente,osea todo lo que me preguntaste están actualizados.
      En relación desde cuando tengo el problema, tengo el problema desde la que pusieron el test server para ver los nuevos mapas, y hasta el día de hoy no puedo entrar al juego.


      • #4
        Intentaste desinstalarlo por completo y volverlo a instalar?


        • #5
          Si bro, ya intente de todo. Por ahí leí un post que era cuestión de video. Osea que elimine la última actualización de mi tarjeta de video.
          ​​​​​​Intentaré hacer eso cuando llegue a mi casa.
          En todo caso porfavor reportalo. Gracias.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Toroloko View Post
            I cant enter to the game in pc.
            this happens because your graphics driver (probably Nvidia)(and probably an older version) does not work in sync with unity engine that the game uses. I also have this problem but i fixed it by uninstalling my nvidia graphics driver and let the unity engine work on its own. I do not advise this solution since by doing this, you'll have problems playing other games or using high graphic apps on your pc. this is a last resort option, until the developers figure out something or our community IT experts find a better solution. follow at your own risk.


            • #7
              Ya intente de todo. Bueno ya no jugaré lost continent. Gracias por la ayuda.

