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I lost my all items in auction bug need my items back!!! Need admin

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  • I lost my all items in auction bug need my items back!!! Need admin

    When i see auction for get my items auction are bug and i cant get my items back cuz the unique item i can see was a kris bug with like 5 or 6 socket i have screem so i think when u fix the problem with auction i will get my itms back and i wait 1 day and when i enter to the game for get my items the list of my auction are empty and the sets and wings and weapons no there i lost 2 set +13 anubis +enis +13 sacred fire +15+dd+hp+idd7 pair phoenix soul fist +15+edr+nv20+10% sd and w3 rf +13+luck i need my items back im free user and that is my all items thx

  • #2
    Hello La PamPaRa, please send an email to [email protected] attaching information about the articles, your account information and a brief explanation of the problem.


    • La_PamPaRa
      La_PamPaRa commented
      Editing a comment
      Hi Boss i send like 5 emails and nobody answer me why ? i have 6 or 7 days with no items for the bug