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    Kindly check Dark Lord's damage absorbtion.
    Max level horse = 50%
    +15 Cape = 54%
    Total = 104%
    Stas only gives 77%
    1st image shows with cape no horse.
    2nd image shows with cape ans horse.

  • #2
    There is a certain formula about absorb damage and Adding two sources of absorb damage ? Im pretty sure it does not work that way. Thats why its really hard to reach 90% dmg much more the 100%..


    • #3
      I believe the stat works correctly. Adding absorb values is multiplicative, not addictive.

      50% horse absorb
      54% cape absorb

      AbsorbFactor = (1 - 0.5) * (1 - 0.54) = 0.5 * 0.46 = 0.23

      Any damage is then multiplied by this value: Damage * 0.23.

      To get a percentage decrease value from this number, we need to do: (1 - 0.23) * 100 = 0.77 * 100 = 77%

      Everything is correct.


      • #4
        Then how come if i wear a certain item alone. I get its whole value of absorb? i.e. If i wear the cape i get the whole 54%
        We know that DL should be the one good at taking damage. In here its totally nerfed from my point of view. I cant even withstand a single skill from most of tge characters. Even though im in a full vitality and HP DD DDI sets. It cant even take a single blow from skills.


        • #5
          Originally posted by dummy901 View Post
          Then how come if i wear a certain item alone. I get its whole value of absorb? i.e. If i wear the cape i get the whole 54%
          We know that DL should be the one good at taking damage. In here its totally nerfed from my point of view. I cant even withstand a single skill from most of tge characters. Even though im in a full vitality and HP DD DDI sets. It cant even take a single blow from skills.
          Because that's how math works.

          If you have a single item with absorb then multiplicatively it's just Damage value * (1 - AbsorbValue)
          But each new item you add with absorb has a diminishing return: Damage value * (1 - AbsorbValue1) * (1 - AbsorbValue2)

          Each new item gives you a bit less due to how strong any percentage absorbtions values are in games. But they still give you absorb nonetheless. How do you imagine it could work when the values would be additive? 0.50 + 0.54 would give you 104% absorb making you immortal. That's not how you balance games around.

          It works exactly the same way as it works in original MU online. It's just that the damage values on Lost Continent are a bit inflated due to various reasons - one-hit-pvp-kills will vanish depending on how fast Lost Continent team is able to produce updates and how serious they are about balancing the game quick.


          • #6
            Today we learn math with Reyco.

            I'm going to give you the formula that is used for all the characters. For that, they must solve the following equation.

            A = Mount Absorb
            B = Wing Absorb
            C = Mana Shield Absorb
            D = Pet Absorb

            * = multiplication
            - = Subtract
            ​​​​/= Divide

            100 - (100 * (1 - (A / 100)) * (1 - (B / 100)) * (1 - (C / 100)) * (1 - (D / 100)))


            A = Mount Absorb = 25% B = Wing Absorb = 43%
            C = Mana Shield Absorb = 50%
            D = Pet Absorb = 10%

            100 - (100 * (1 - (25 / 100)) * (1 - (43 / 100)) * (1 - (50 / 100)) * (1 - (10 / 100)))

            The result is: 80.7625 = 81% (The decimal is rounded up or down.)

