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Option of exl. darkangel set items

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  • Option of exl. darkangel set items

    Hi dev. Team
    we used many mysterios stone to get opt. Damage descrease 45. But all of us see that new opt. is weaker than the old opt. damage descrease 4%.
    Please admin do something to change it!

  • #2
    Hello changkho1 thanks for the report, we will let the administrators know.


    • #3
      Tuto u say thanks for the report? Are you even reading before posting replies? DA SET HAS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT. What are you on?

      Blood/Darkangel Set ALWAYS HAD 45 reduction. It never had 4% DD. You want admin to modify items the way you want?


      • changkho1
        changkho1 commented
        Editing a comment
        I know it showing on game_client.exe but who know what is realy going on inside server_game.exe

      • TutoPMG
        TutoPMG commented
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        Hello Bouncer, all reports are important, all reports are made known to administrators, that does not imply that everything has to be changed. But administrators need to know.

    • #4
      The power of damage descrease 7% also weak than the time before, so the ancient sets are overpower


      • #5
        There’s nothing to change, if you don’t like DA exc options, get a normal exc set and stop complaining dude.


        • #6
          DDI 7% didn’t get decreased, it’s simply the fact that blood ancient and dark angel sets give higher DMg than normal ancient.

