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FYI Update / Merge

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  • FYI Update / Merge

    We want to be able to clear some doubts to all our users.

    We understand that absorbing PH server users brought with it some changes and these changes some disagreement.
    Achieving this required a great effort from all the staff, from moderators, testers, developers and users.

    * For PH users the effort was to lose Items / Mounts / Skill Level, among others
    * For users who already played in Global, it was adapting not only to changes in the market, but also changes in configuration.

    We want the integration between users to be complete and to stop you from seeing each other as rivals or 2 separate factions, for us you are all Lost Continent players.

    However, we understand that there are differences of opinions between users and we try to improve this aspect every day in order to understand and benefit everyone, but it is a very difficult task to carry out.

    In recent days, some users from PH requested changes that existed on that server and by simple chance it has coincided with the date of our changes.
    Although we read suggestions, we try to rely 100% on data (logs, statistics, etc.) to implement them.

    We will improve communication to be able to provide more details of these changes to avoid taking anyone by surprise. However more changes will be made at the same time as bug fixing and updates.

    The work continues by improving the server & the client, expanding to other platforms and much more.

    We want to thank everyone for your patience and for supporting us.

    Att. DGamerStudio
    > [email protected]
    > Lost Continent Global
    > Visit our

  • #2
    The reduction of event ticket drop is a good move.. but the drastic deduction of RUUD COINS PERCENTAGE on box is making many hardcore players lost appetite for the game, or even quit.. its very dis appointing to have 5 box from kundun and 8 boxes from bc ds and got no ruud pts .. very bad move
    hope devs..i grinded 5 hrs and got nothing.. please devs fix this.. thank you


    • #3
      tiene razon si van a bajar el drop de los ticket almenos aumenten el drop de los ruud


      • #4
        Implimenting such things existed on PH? It brought down the server economy already in there? why impliment it here and lose many players? even the VN community felt the aftereffect of those changes and seems to lost interest in this game. Many players considered quitting, and for sure new comers wont last either because of the GAP. they couldnt feel it right now if they focus on leveling but when they reach a level where they should start focusing on their items they can never cope up with others unless they spend lots of money or BUY items from OLD PLAYERS (which is in favored of the one who suggested this changes).

        We do really hope things will change, you have listened to 1 person, then many of us have come to request a change please hear us out we ask you this for the love of this game and this server. If you could reconsider our suggestions, see the changes for yourself dear admins/moderators/staffs/testers


        • #5
          very wrong very wrong much better if yall change the game name into LOST CONTINENT PH
          so disappointed!


          • #6
            Very hard server . Low all exp, drop , . Etc etc. No chance for free player / newbie to become strong. Please improve it


            • #7
              It is not as simple as being a on a "Separate Faction", Vierco, it is simply the fact that WE, Global Players, have adjusted the most out of that (LCPH) godforsaken server, where it is supposed to be THEM merging their server to LCGB and NOT the other way around.

              Have you ever thought about why we didn't play LCPH and instead went to LCGB? Of course, you did not. Because you are not aware how corrupted LCPH is, obviously.

              Everything that has been suggested, and that ya'll have implemented, by those LCPH player are for their OWN GAIN which they are MASKING as "BALANCING" the game.

              For example, decreasing the rate of Prism will increase the CONSUMPTION of Bless, which will in turn make players BUY FROM THEM (AND FYI, NOT FROM YOUR INGAME STORE), bless that was NOT filtered by YOU DEVELOPERS, bless that CAME FROM REFUND IN LCPH. This will allow them to exploit the prices of item and will make THEM PROFIT MORE from US, normal players.

              Another example is Perfect XBA weapons that was carried over to Global. Yes, you have deleted "some", but those Perfect XBA that was carried over was enough to make the market plummet.

              --and One more example, Fenrirs, we understand that you have also deleted "Some" Fenrirs, but hundreds of Fenrirs from LCPH, which HAS A HIGH drop rate of ingredients was carried over, too.

              Why did you let the Fenrirs from PH that came from Goblin Gatcha to be transferred over to Global, and even if "Some" has been deleted, do you know how easy they can acquire materials for it, and do you also know how hard it is to acquire it in Global?

              Why did you let PERFECT XBA to be carried over to Global as well? Do you know how HARD it is for us to acquire it that only a handful of player which could be counted on one hand have it, wherein, in PH almost EVERYONE has it? Do you know HOW MANY MYSTERIOUS STONES BOUGHT FROM YOU INGAME STORE HAS BEEN INVALIDATED?

              Why did you let their bless which most of it are illegally acquired to be transferred over as well? Have you seen stacks of over 100k Bless or more than that and most of those are illegal? Most of their items are easily, and illegally acquired and we all know that.

              It is like we are being absorbed by LCPH and not the other way around. It is like you are merging EASY server (LCPH), where ALMOST EVERYTHING can easily and illegally be acquired, to a HARD server (LCGlobal) which requires us to GRIND and WORK OUR ASS OFF TO ACQUIRE and you expect us just to suck it up?!

              You expect us to welcome them with open arms when you are transferring over LCPH that is full of cheats and easily acquired items over to us and we are supposed to put a blind eye and adjust?

              You have disrespected us and the time and money we have spent over this game.

              They are the one migrating, their server are supposed to be closed already, having their account migrated over is only a courtesy, and why are we (LCGB Players) needs the one to pay the price?

              Where is the logic in it? Is it because there's MORE players in PH than in Global that you are willing to screw us (LCG Players) all up?

              Please reconsider all the things (Which all of us think is stupid) you have updated about the migration.


              • #8
                Wanted to write now a nice respond whit many arguments pro and cons about changes but i give up do what ever you want is your server i can handle any change u can make i play this for begging also played ph same time, spend money on donation here just becouze i had fun and always LC was me favored vs LCPH just becouze admin always think on players and not of they waltes . If you guys wana REBORN LCPH do it!!! but hope you are prepare to lose your players ....
                im happy now that you LC wil increase income to some bless,items sellers let make them more happy and we hope that new players wil have bigger walltes and wil be abble to can aford items from our fellows ph macro grinders
                So now let see how much this change wil afect the nomber of players .... and how many new players wil stay here to enjoy your srv !!!! I already lose 10 of me best mates ...but np in the end wil play alone and afk all day in swanp hopping in 1 day wil have enough sentence to try w4 ...
                thank you and have a nice day


                • #9

                  You guys follow your thoughts but not through the community of server players, all your changes are making a lot of people angry and want to quit the game, my friends and brothers. No longer interested in your game because now everything is very expensive, newcomers have to spend a lot of money to buy equipment is bad, you should change the name to LCPH or better I will quit the game, the Vietnamese community and the community of other countries will be leaving the game! This game is for PH ok
                  - Hãy là một trò chơi để chiến thắng -


                  • #10
                    What also makes grinding harder in PH is the very low drop rate of tickets. The high chance of ticket is what I love in global as it lets me level up in BC and DS and even if I was not able to get a party it is ok since I can farm for those tickets again easily unlike in PH that I feel bad when I waste even 1 ticket since 10 tickets cost 10 to 15 bless.
                    I believe that it is much better to have a medium to high chance of getting tickets but a low to very low chance of getting ruud points this way the BC and DS will be used by new to middle players for leveling up safely.
                    Since merging we also gathered PH players who are also abusing a feature that lets them automate movement to a spot in kanturu over and over again without them being near their phone or PC thus even if you PK them they will just go back to the spot after certain time (I believe its every 5 to 10 minutes) this removes the fun in game on where you need to pay attention to your farming characters.
                    Some of those are Zetsu001 to Zetsu015 and Alpha001 to Alpha015 last time I checked therefore a captcha on those bot/macro abused maps could also help lessen their impact on the market.
                    They are farming not to gear their characters but to sell their loots for real money making business on this game.



                    • #11
                      Drop rates are way too low (especially jewels) . It seems like you don't want to give your players a chance to be strong without spending a lot. You even change the drop rate of ruud coins. You know, the reason why some random shit of a person suggested to lower its drop rate is because they can't sell their anvils and items in an OP rate. They don't even play this game to enjoy. they are just after the money they'll get from selling over price items.You just released the Holy angel set and its very reasonable to give us a better ruud coins drop rate since the process of upgrading BA items are long and expensive. Be considerate.


                      • #12
                        For PH users the effort was to lose Items / Mounts / Skill Level, among others

                        Items: Most of the items were still transfered especially for those perfect option item which is their priority to make +13. The things that were deleted were mostly trash from the Kundun Exploit.

                        Mounts: Plenty Materials have been included in the merge which makes it still easy for them to craft fenrirs.

                        Skill: Same as above runes Epic and Legendary which is easy to get was also been trasnfered in the merge.

                        Check the auction. As you can see everything was from a certain players and the hoarders which was alerted by the drastic changes.

                        The people were only asking to bring back the previous settings. We know that its a very difficult task. But it was very easy for the admins to change the setting just few hours after the suggestion. And now plenty players are against it. Whats next?


                        • #13
                          All the Lc global players are not happy on the changes because you are favorable from lc ph players.

                          Before you make changes you need to analyze if this is a good thing in the community.

                          we have VN,Thai,Filipino Players please consider them first since they are the original players of lc global.

                          we are not agree also for the migration of all xba from lc ph since they are abbusive from kundun and selupan.

                          since the prism was decrease the success rate to 30% the demand of bless will increase . The lc ph players will sell their bless in higher rate . (business)

                          This is also the root cause of scam from other players.
                          My suggestion is to ban all the players selling thier items in cash to prevent the scam issue.

                          instead of buying bless to other players why not maximize the ingame shop like you need to sell packages for bless in fair amount in lemurians.

                          Can we have also buy the items via lemurian coins in the auction.

                          Please compile all the suggestion of lc global players to avoid conflict from lc ph players.

                          Note: why we are copying the game play from lc ph this is the root cause why the lc ph shutdown.

                          lets learn from the previous mistake of lc ph.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Now, don't be so stupid not to see a lot of dissatisfaction from your players. The downfall of LCGB is guaranteed if you keep doing stupid decisions. Hear your people.

